Menopaus |
The Menopaus list is for the discussion of perimenopause, menopause and post menopause, the sharing of remedies and solutions, and personal experiences related to menopause and other women's health issues. Many lists recommend that a new person 'lurk' for a while to get an idea of
what the list is about and what sort of net etiquette is customary for that
particular list, before they start posting mail to the list.
This list, however, is a bit different.
What follows is information about subscribing and commands you can use to change your options. To subscribe to the Menopaus list, send an email to: The message in the body of the email should be: subscribe menopaus yourfirstname yourlastname
You will then receive an email from the listserv instructing you to email the list-owner with a brief explanation of why you wish you join the Menopaus list. New members are subscribed manually by the list-owner. Unless you send that email to the list-owner, you will not be subscribed. This precaution has become neccesary to prevent spam and address-harvesting for the purpose of spam. Once your subscription has been entered, you can change your options to your own preferences. Digest: If you prefer to get your listmail in a digest, send an email to: The message in that email should be: set menopaus digest Normal delivery: If you wish to change delivery from digest back to normal delivery, send an email to: The message in that email should be: set menopaus mail If you wish to temporarily stop delivery of your listmail without actually leaving the list, send an email to: The message in that email should be: set menopaus nomail When you wish to resume delivery of mail, send an email to: The message in that email should be: set menopaus mail If you wish to receive a copy of your own posts to the list, send an email to: The message in that email should be: set menopaus repro To leave the Menopaus list, send an email to: The message in that email should be: signoff menopaus
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